
We truly appreciate your support for VRMD. Though that support can come in many forms, our greatest need is monetary. Our organization is not operated for profit. All funds will go directly to support our purpose of protecting the vapor industry in Delaware.

To be a voting member of VRMD with access to our weekly skype meetings you must be the proprietor of a vapor business within the state. VRMD requires a monthly donation of $150 to maintain membership. This is not a small amount of money, however, we are asking for less than 6% of the monthly operating costs of VRMD's lobbying efforts. Our members would agree that this is money well spent with tangible benefits including political representation, information and relevant resources. The subscribe button below starts a monthly recurring donation of $150 or allows you to pay for the full year. The amounts include the addition of PayPal's fees.

Payment Options

We need help from concerned citizens, vapers, advocacy groups, manufacturers or anyone else who is passionate about vaping. Any person or business can help support vaping advocacy in Delaware by using the donation button below.